Call First Assembly of Delegates
to convene to all delegates of the Academic Unit of General Studies Letters to the First Assembly of Delegates 2010-2, to be held as detailed:
Location: L-220
Date: Saturday, October 9
First citation: 2:10 pm
Second citation: 2:25 pm Agenda
1. Approval of minutes
2. Presentation Board
3. Presentation of the prosecution and the third of EEGGLL
4. Election of Deputy Prosecutor
5. Amending the regulations governing elections
6. CF Reform EEGGLL status
7. Formation of the Assemblies of time
8. OlimPUCP
9. Press and Propaganda Secretary
They are members of the Assembly: The Bureau of CF EE.GG.LL. PUCP, student representatives to the Board of EE.GG.LL., a student representative to the University Assembly, the tax EE.GG.LL. and delegates EE.GG.LL. tenured
The Assembly is public and therefore any student EE.GG.LL. have a voice in it.
punctuality is appreciated from the audience.
Carlos de Trazegnies
President Ana Lucia Araujo
Organizing Secretary
Federated Center of General Studies in Arts, PUCP.
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