) Social Projection
ii) Craft: dance groups, theater.
iii) Academic research
1) Entering the contest implies the acceptance of the rules
2) No student may have two or more projects competition, and one is individual and another
3) Profile:
a. Required to participate a minimum group of two students of EE.GG.LL. regular
b. The group may be assisted by a teacher or a professional in the respective area.
4) Presentation of the project:
a. Project Description
b. Beneficiary Population
c. Project objectives
d. project schedule
e. Project Budget
5) Jury :
a. The Jury will be appointed by the Board EEGGLL CF. The jury will final
6) Prizes:
a. The costs to finance the project by the Board (MD) of CF EE.GG.LL. not exceed $ 800 (U.S. dollars).
b. The MD will fund a project (declared the winner)
7) Requirements for submission:
a. Projects should indicate the aims, benefits for faculty EE.GG.LL. or population sector
b. Each project must be presented with a detailed budget and expenditure data (name, phone) of people and / or entities that provide services for the project.
c. Report the duration of the project. If I had more than a week, you must attach a schedule listing the weeks.
d. Submit written and electronic form to mail EEGGLL CF
8) Dates
a. The deadline for submitting projects is Monday, November 22, 2010.
9) Publication of winners
a. The publication of the winners will be Friday, November 26, 2010
b. Failure to be present the winners will be informed via email
10) Commitment winners
a. Representatives of the two winning projects must sign an act of commitment, which agree to submit ballot, receipts, and / or invoices for expenses incurred and included in the budget to be attached. giving a date limit to deliver these documents done two weeks after the project.