stilettos, the new version
Theatre Company has just released The Fury last June 17 work Heels needle free version inspired Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw and Tacos Needle Theresa Rebeck. This work has an origin in the company his participation in the II version Playwriting Festival U.S. where he participated by presenting the original by Theresa Rebeck. The festival experience was very enriching but revealed some problems Theatre artistic Fury decided to settle with this new version, delving into a more subtle, in the eyes of those responsible.
first decided to return to the origin and refer to the myth of Pygmalion, greatly influencing the direction proposed. Legend has it that Greek mythological Pygmalion, King of Cyprus, carved a statue with the figure of the ideal woman, according to its criteria. A Pygmalion liked his work so much he wanted to become a real being. Desire was very strong and did everything he could to get it. Sought help from Aphrodite, the goddess of love, which helped her dream come true. Galatea was born, his ideal woman.
Not that this view was not present in the version of Rebeck, if not the intent of the group by telling his text for the drama festival "at the bottom of the letter" as stipulated in the rules, believe, away from that. Taking the idea of \u200b\u200bthe myth of Pygmalion force present, the story began to change, styles of action and also began building another story. The final proposed by Theresa Rebeck not satisfied, then they changed it, then many texts were taken out, added others and so it was another work. The confusion of the main character "Georgie" was not noted with anger that was indicated in the initial script, no previous acting work, then the interpretation has changed, allowing the public to understand that the history of stilettos refers to a man's desire to reinvent a woman and create their own image. Falling in love with himself, because the love he feels for her is nothing but love yourself, to your project, narcissism.
Looking Good of this work is the comic character based on the lifestyle of the characters, each with a different ethic. Andrew, a university professor whose behavior is based ethics "should be" can not escape the spontaneity of the truth. Edward, the handsome to the force based on a purely utilitarian conception of life. Georgie is the truth and that is the desired good of all the characters in the play, in the end everyone wants to be with her because she is genuine, to Lydia Andrew's girlfriend, who appears in the work now as a way of saying that Andrew is prone to mold women at your convenience.
Sign Georgie, exhausted after a day of work and put their shoes stilettos. He complains about the sacrifices that have to endure just that some people admire a nice pair of female legs. Georgie works with Edward, who has thrown a pencil, because he has tried to sexually harass her. Edward is a friend of Andrew, who has gotten the job to Georgie, who is her upstairs neighbor.
between Georgia and Andrew is a relationship like the one shown in Pygmalion , that of a man trying to "educate" a woman of low social extraction, by which is attracted. When Andrew learns these developments Edward, is unworthy and most are surprised to learn that Georgie has returned to work, because you need the money. For its part, Georgie gets angry when he realizes that before Andrew has given his "approval" to Edward so that he asked her out. She feels that Andrew is "giving" his best friend.
Company Background:
The Fury Theatre Company was born in 2004 with the meeting of students and alumni of the Academy of Drama Club Performance mounting Agatha, history of incest, draft Cabello Rodrigo Zárate. From its inception to have done 10 seasons with their respective assemblies, field trips, etc.. In addition to the participation of its founders and Valentina Vallejos Rodrigo Cabello in other productions of great importance to the national charts.
2004 Agatha, Story of a Incest Tennysson Chamber CCEM Ferrada
Let me listen, Pubis Angelical Lastarria 90
2005 Sacra
Losing Head Augustine Chamber Siré
2006 Babylon Ferrada Tennysson CCEM room
2007 The Praying Mantis Tudor Festival Hall Cerro San Cristobal
2008 The Praying Mantis and Sacra Siddhartha Theatre
Fever or the problem of waiting
Killer Matucana 100
2009 Tacos Needle Playwriting Festival American
Lastarria 90
2009 Nothing is what it seems College Sara Blinder (Work educational Effective Communication)
2010 of sight out of mind Campvs College (Educational Video about education sexual)
2010 stilettos, the new version
Artistic Sheet stilettos
Address: Cabello Rodrigo Zárate
Sets: Rodrigo Iturra
Costume Design: Valentina Vallejos
Graphic Design and Photography: Florencia Lira
Production: Gloria Ramirez Vallejos Valentina
(In order of appearance)
Andrew ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Gonzalo Durán
Georgie ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Valentina Vallejos
Edward ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Jorge Henríquez
Lydia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Gloria Ramírez
From June 17 to July 17. Thursday, Friday and Saturday to 20:30 Hrs.
General Admission: $ 5,000 Senior Citizens and Partners Siddhartha: $ 3,000
Thursday People: $ 2,000
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