Monday, May 9, 2011

What Does The Gold Star Mean On Pokemon Cards


We received rain. Came after all to lie down for a moment before a dirty linen. A dense warp 'among which, however, sunlight impacted as a pin. On the leaves and petals, on the glass and polished stones, rainfall had posed as a procession of tiny snails. Fragile. Transparent. Surely keeping all the rainbow in the armpit. At the top of the garden there is a welter of small herbs. To get your perfume the very lewd call for more than a caress, an outburst. Hands are eating them with fingers like breasts lover. We had coffee in the gazebo. We were told that nothing was thick wisteria. Penalty not to have seen and smelled. R. spoke of the cuckoo could be heard nearby, the bird used to leaving the nest to be born outside and ends up throwing his hand to the brothers who are not, while the mother undergoes a very hard working deluded for a feeding. It was then we started a long walk along the right oak. Going to rapping after we crossed a pheasant on the road, but quickly hid. Barking dogs. In between the forest was discovered the landscape framed by the branches and sebes. The sunlight filtering through the thick clouds gave relief to the world. On the way back we chatted with a neighbor. He brought with him a very docile female mastiff being called Niebla. It was night. While we ate was congealed skylights constellations. As the conversation cheerful garlands.


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