2010 The Board asks questions of participants lists the elections this year. Thus, we support the conscious and informed vote. Review the responses from each list, arranged in order of arrival to the inbox of email from the CF.
electoral list 'Consistency Universitaria'
1. Do you think the work of the Bureau of CF EEGGLL should focus on EEGGLL problems, or perhaps should give priority to the university reform, or, indeed, a national policy?
believe that the three issues are important but we must give priority to the problems because it is there EE.GG.LL where our field of direct action. However, do not neglect the issue of university reform and national policy because they are problems that also affect students in this school.
2. Do you think there is a smooth and efficient link between the university authorities and student union?
No. The problem lies in the fact that not even a communication between the co-government and the union. It seems that everyone walks by. Representatives of co-government often make decisions without knowing what the student really wants, and know what wants the student is up to the guild, it is close to this. We will promote this approach.
3. Do you think that students are properly informed about the electoral process of student union?
No. Who they vote, they usually do for friendship. This is a problem for all student representative or who aspire to be. The solution lies in not only disseminating important information about this process and the proposals of each list in time to campaign, but mainly to inform students about student representation and its importance throughout the year. Thus, it will create a political awareness in students that will lead to a proper process of electing representatives.
4. As a voter, are you in favor or against the East Campus?
4. As a voter, are you in favor or against the East Campus?
We favor the use of the East Campus to graduate or for CEPREPUC but we are against relocating to this place undergraduate schools. Breaks with the notion that college is a universe of knowledge where students with different interests across thoughts and provide feedback in areas that normally would not. Also, would be a selection problem of teachers who would be on the East Campus and who would remain in Pando. Or the theme of the books that would go and they would stay. You see, it breaks with the concept of unity of knowledge: the university allows this convergence of knowledge of various types in one place.
5. As a voter, what position to take in upwards of ballots? Is it fair?
believe that the increase should only be given at a rate less than or equal to the maximum rate of price inflation in the education sector. We believe that the university should have a sustainable economic model, where most of the income is not dependent on the ballots. This would allow keep its price tickets and even further reduced.
6. Why work or conduct believed to be remembered, if you were elected as Board Members 2011?
6. Why work or conduct believed to be remembered, if you were elected as Board Members 2011?
will be remembered mainly for two things: First, to increase student participation in the conduct of its power, and second, to rethink how it should be driving and where that should be addressed. Increased participation will be by a commission organized work that focus on different areas. This increase, and it will allow an improvement of ideas more effectively to carry out the projects and, especially, more representative. This is because in these committees shall be persons of diverse ideas, that by following guidelines that allow a dialogue and respecting plural parameters such as democracy, human rights and ethics, may work together for a weekend. The reconsideration shall be given within these committees, a committee called the Planning Commission. It will be discussed should be directed to where the student of letters and what to look for to perform. Once you have generated a body of ideas, we will work together with the authorities. If possible, through a full faculty, or but in conversations with authorities and teachers. Everything in order to enrich the set of ideas. It will also be constant communication with the students this restatement, for feedback, whether through events, talks, talks, going to or via virtual classrooms. The idea is that we agree on the different perspectives of students EEGGLL and to draw a path to be followed by Federated Department who will follow us.
electoral list 'The Left Handed'
1. Do you think the work of the Bureau of CF EEGGLL should focus on EEGGLL problems, or perhaps should give priority to the university reform, or, indeed, a national policy? I do not think
There is contradiction between the two ways of looking at the role of CF. It is absolutely obvious that a union body should be responsible for safeguarding the interests of the union that represents, from this perspective, the approach to the national reality is an important aspect as it contributes decisively to the formation of students critical feature, certainly distinguishes our university from other schools. In summary, I would say that good management can solve the power problems while linking the student with the national reality.
2. Do you think there is a smooth and efficient link between the university authorities and the student union?
No, I think the student union has failed to properly position with respect to the authorities, recently has shown some presence in the campaign "A PUCP nobody takes it" on the FEPUC coordinated with authorities to the activities carried out, apart from this, the authorities have not found it necessary to inform the student on topics such as management of university funds and others that are directly relevant; about it, our intention is to inform students about this situation and encourage greater communication of the guilds with the authorities in favor of adequate oversight in government the PUCP.
3. Do you think that students are properly informed about the electoral process of student union?
Discuss the U.S. electorate. GG. LL. is complicated. There is a significant percentage of students who do not vote, some for lack of interest and others because they consciously reject the central figure of the Land, the students who vote often choose a list based on the number of friends or acquaintances who are in it, few actually reported and discussed proposals to choose from depending on them. However, some of the responsibility it is incumbent on those who participate in university policy, as is common we nurture this neglect and base our advertising in this kind of discourse, rather than foster the conscious vote, which we hope will give in the next election.
There is contradiction between the two ways of looking at the role of CF. It is absolutely obvious that a union body should be responsible for safeguarding the interests of the union that represents, from this perspective, the approach to the national reality is an important aspect as it contributes decisively to the formation of students critical feature, certainly distinguishes our university from other schools. In summary, I would say that good management can solve the power problems while linking the student with the national reality.
2. Do you think there is a smooth and efficient link between the university authorities and the student union?
No, I think the student union has failed to properly position with respect to the authorities, recently has shown some presence in the campaign "A PUCP nobody takes it" on the FEPUC coordinated with authorities to the activities carried out, apart from this, the authorities have not found it necessary to inform the student on topics such as management of university funds and others that are directly relevant; about it, our intention is to inform students about this situation and encourage greater communication of the guilds with the authorities in favor of adequate oversight in government the PUCP.
3. Do you think that students are properly informed about the electoral process of student union?
Discuss the U.S. electorate. GG. LL. is complicated. There is a significant percentage of students who do not vote, some for lack of interest and others because they consciously reject the central figure of the Land, the students who vote often choose a list based on the number of friends or acquaintances who are in it, few actually reported and discussed proposals to choose from depending on them. However, some of the responsibility it is incumbent on those who participate in university policy, as is common we nurture this neglect and base our advertising in this kind of discourse, rather than foster the conscious vote, which we hope will give in the next election.
4. As a voter, are you in favor or against the East Campus?
When The Left Handed presented candidates for the REA, one of our lines was the rejection of Campus East. This initiative, according to how we understand, is part of a larger problem that we wanted and we also face it: the gentrification of our university. Along with the rise of ballots and the increase in vacancies in the terms STI and Secondary Education, measures such as this seek to adapt the PUCP the university-business model so common in the country, to the detriment of the primary objective of an educational institution such as ours: the integral formation of students.
When The Left Handed presented candidates for the REA, one of our lines was the rejection of Campus East. This initiative, according to how we understand, is part of a larger problem that we wanted and we also face it: the gentrification of our university. Along with the rise of ballots and the increase in vacancies in the terms STI and Secondary Education, measures such as this seek to adapt the PUCP the university-business model so common in the country, to the detriment of the primary objective of an educational institution such as ours: the integral formation of students.
5. As a voter, what position to take in upwards of ballots? Is it fair?
For nothing. As in the previous section, the lefties have and had as one of its main combat rising ballots, because we believe that this is totally unjustified. The university has large revenues from various sources such as Plaza San Miguel, Catholic Languages, ETC. therefore not correct that we see affected each year with such an increase, in addition, this fact goes against the humanistic ideal that we have, because he was beginning to favor the economic interest. We believe, moreover, that if there is adequate dialogue between the unions and the authorities might have knowledge of the detailed balance, which would allow us to inform the student more accurately.
6. Why work or conduct believed to be remembered, if you were elected as Board Members 2011?
We have three lines that define our potential: Autonomy and defense of pluralism Transparency and economic efficiency and effective representation. Based on them, I think we would be remembered for working tirelessly to defend the rights of students, care about issues that affect our faculty and the university in general and to hear the voice of the students towards their resolution, recover the notion of union and promote identification with the CF, for transparent management that meets the needs of students.
For nothing. As in the previous section, the lefties have and had as one of its main combat rising ballots, because we believe that this is totally unjustified. The university has large revenues from various sources such as Plaza San Miguel, Catholic Languages, ETC. therefore not correct that we see affected each year with such an increase, in addition, this fact goes against the humanistic ideal that we have, because he was beginning to favor the economic interest. We believe, moreover, that if there is adequate dialogue between the unions and the authorities might have knowledge of the detailed balance, which would allow us to inform the student more accurately.
6. Why work or conduct believed to be remembered, if you were elected as Board Members 2011?
We have three lines that define our potential: Autonomy and defense of pluralism Transparency and economic efficiency and effective representation. Based on them, I think we would be remembered for working tirelessly to defend the rights of students, care about issues that affect our faculty and the university in general and to hear the voice of the students towards their resolution, recover the notion of union and promote identification with the CF, for transparent management that meets the needs of students.
electoral list 'EnMayúscula'
1. Do you think the work of the Bureau of CF
EEGGLL should focus on problems EEGGLL, or perhaps should give priority to
university reform, or, indeed, a national policy?
EEGGLL should focus on problems EEGGLL, or perhaps should give priority to
university reform, or, indeed, a national policy?
The main work of the Board of CFEEGGLL is to ensure the interests of their constituents, ie , in ensuring that the experience of students in EEGGLL be as full and successful as possible. From this point of view, it is essential to stress that the Central Land should be limited to carrying out projects that help fulfill this critical mission without addressing issues unrelated to intellectual development, recreational or artistic faculty. However, a full college life means that students analyze, discuss and share views on issues of national interest. It is therefore necessary always prioritized EEGGLL problems but considering that the faculty is an integral part of a community and keep a close link and intrinsic to it.
2. Do you think there is a smooth and efficient link between
university authorities and student union?
university authorities and student union?
With concern, we have seen various representatives of student unions (particularly the MD FEPUC this year) have behaved in a manner that seeks an unnecessary antagonism with the university authorities. Of course, this action implies the weakening of the that could be a more serious relationship and fluid communication with those who manage the University. In short, we believe that student unions should take a firm position which is both educated, rational and open to dialogue, especially if is that it takes into account that PUCP authorities and student unions have objectives that are fully compatible.
3. Do you think that students are properly informed about the electoral process
student union?
3. Do you think that students are properly informed about the electoral process
student union?
Unfortunately, we believe that the average student is interested in very little EEGGLL information on student union elections. This is probably due to the widespread prestige of the university policy activity that is usually seen as something that generally can not enforce all promises. However, one can see important exceptions to this rule. (As are the group "PUCP CAIA," the magazine "The Social Standard" and even independent initiative undertaken by the student Ivan Rojas Monteza.
4. As a voter, are you in favor or against the East Campus?
Campus This is a reality in the sense PUCP that has invested huge amounts of money to buy of land located in the district of Surco. Therefore, being against the Campus This would require the University to miss a field that has already acquired. However, we consider moving some of the undergraduate colleges PUCP weaken the sense of cohesion and interdisciplinarity that prevails in Pando. Therefore, we would suggest that Groove can be set to a campus for graduate school or perhaps relocate the headquarters of CEPREPUCP. In this way, could leverage the investment already made by our authorities without undermining the fundamental cohesion that have undergraduate students PUCP.
5. As a voter, what position to take in upwards of
ballots? Is it fair?
ballots? Is it fair?
every year in Peru logs some inflation rate in turn can be broken into different sectors (manufacturing, health, education, etc..) Therefore, we consider inevitable and right that the tickets go up according to the rate of inflation, specifically concerning al sector educacional. Sin embargo, cualquier alza de éstas que resulte injustificada o arbitraria debería ser denunciada por los gremios estudiantiles en coordinación con las instancias de cogobierno. Sin embargo, deseamos recalcar que el Centro Federado de EEGGLL no participa activamente en la elaboración del presupuesto de la universidad y, por tanto, no está involucrado en la toma de decisiones que, directamente influyen en las fluctuaciones de las boletas. Asimismo, queremos hacer recordar a los alumnos que el cobro de boletas constituye un componente menor de los ingresos de la universidad cuando se le compara, por ejemplo, con aquellos que ingresan vía Plaza San Miguel or even through the services provided CENTRUM.
6. Why work or conduct believed to be remembered, if you were elected as Board
6. Why work or conduct believed to be remembered, if you were elected as Board
If elected as Board Members of the CF EEGGLL during 2011, we would like to be remembered as a group that always characterized by his honesty. Throughout the campaign, and when drafting the work plan, we have dedicated a lot of time to see that our proposals were indeed achievable by a Board of Directors. We have also been very critical of those who generously made promises without taking into account the administrative powers of the PUCP, the budget in question or other practical considerations. Ergo, we would like to remind "In Shift" as the list during his administration, was able to stick to its plan of work in a disciplined and diligent so that everything could realize what was available in a start.
Having made this final point, we urge all students EEGGLL to VOTE this November 18, but above all, vote with a conscience, after duly informed. Board
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