Monday, August 11, 2008

Pain In The Wall Of The Mouth

Clarification to the season in August Matucana 100

foto: Michael Von Berger


Este décimo y último trabajo de Teatro La Furia lo podríamos catalogar como el más hermético y dificil realizado por nuestra compañía.

La premisa artística del montaje es precisamente alejarse de todo tipo de teatralidad, de toda concepción clásica de lo que "debiera" ser el teatro, acercándonos en este caso más a las artes visuales, la instalación y la performance que a las técnicas que sustentan un espectáculo teatral classic.

The absence of verbal language in the actor, the absence of dialogue, placing the sounds of a false public, aplaussos play each time you enter a character, not just put in tension and in the conventions of art evidence theater.

What sense does it make a show safe?

That is the question, experiment, investigate and try it for real and concrete in new narrative forms, that is what you are looking for "Putas Killer"

We can only mention that to the public that you are looking for a conventional work, listen dialogue, understanding a history of Aristotelian way, you are advised not to go see this facility, the public expectations generated by "as it should be" a text-based installation by Roberto Bolaño, we recommend bottomless realize their expectations and make them their own assembly, but the public is willing to witness, willing to perceive, feel and experience, we leave the invitation to go to Matucana 100 and be carried away by the time it takes fourteen minutes this installation.

would like to thank especially all those that unprejudiced of all kinds of theater, we have contributed their interesting comments were dismissed


Teatro La Furia "It comes down to that ... and zoom TO HELL ... "Roberto Bolaño Putas


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