Thursday, May 22, 2008

Old Ford Pinto For Sale

Monday 19 May 2008

By Rodrigo Alvarado E. / The Nation

Theatre presents work and prepares Fury adaptation of "Putas killer
Bolaño is locked in a shack

Company start working on a marginal based on the book of short stories by writer, part of his trilogy that began with Adolfo Couve Suicide and topped with Rodrigo Lira. While receiving emails from fans alarmed detective wild ride "Fever", work done with texts by Chekhov, Genet and Vidic.

the same way threw five years to study classical guitar performance at the Theatre Club, the director of the company's Fury, Rodrigo Cabello, style has changed each time you start a new work. From the Aristotelian "Damn contradictions" (2000) to the eclectic "Sacra" (2005). A journey where you have gone without drama, Heiner Müller, Artaud and Brecht.

Today is no exception. The former assistant to Alfredo Castro in "Shattered," opened the functions of the multifunctional theater and renovated Espaciocal (subway downtown Lo Castillo, Vitacura) with his ninth book, "Fever or the problem of waiting."

The premise this time is the lack of stylistic unity brought with seven scenes drawn from the works "Fever" (Ivan Vidic), The Seagull (Anton Chekhov), "Parasites" (Marius von Mayenburg) " The Balcony "(Jean Genet), and some texts of the playwright of the company, Valentina Cabello Vallejos and himself, who reorganized the material in a history of hallucinations suffered by a young girl for 43 minutes.

"We want to know how much it resists the fictional scenario. There are other scenes of drama and comedy, because the work really raises a scenic tour in five minutes altogether. It's like Night Shyamalan films, we shift the point of reality not in parallel but linearly "he explains. Bolaños

ATTACK logic Teatro La Furia production begins at the time that mounted the play "Agatha", in the evening, and rehearsed "Let me hear pubis angelical" in the afternoon. "From there we've never seen in that empty saying 'now what'" says Hair, who already works in the second part of the trilogy Suicide, a project that brings together the work of three generations of writers that began with a montage based on two novels by Adolfo Couve.

These "Putas killer, storybook adaptation of Roberto Bolaño debut on 7 August in Matucana 100 and has generated complaints of some," Bolaños "to include the author in a triad of bombers. "Of course I did not kill himself, is an excuse to display their literature, related to suicide and anxiety," says the director.

The play of the book, whose rights were managed with Carmen Balcells agency by the Society of Authors National Theatre, Film and Media- Tales "Dance Card", "Putas killer", "Meeting with Henry Lihn" and "Return." And compared to the epic version that made Alex Catalan Rigola for the novel "2666", warns that his hair is quite the opposite: "Betwen in a shack with several compartments that are deployed throughout the work."

The trilogy would end in 2009 with a production based on texts by poet Rodrigo Lira schizoid. For this feature, material ranging from newsletters to their compilations late-stage and a bet, they say, "close to the facility, where actors can not be seen."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Example Of Community Service Completion Letters

FEVER Fever: Delirious Rush

Fever: Delirious reality without pause

Friday May 16, 2008 16:19

Macarena Atria, El Mercurio Online

A series of crazy scenes, one above the other, sometimes after a , and so without stopping. The characters mutate to be showing different territories, parallel dialogues, instances timeless moments dynamic and above all feverish and delirious. Where did all this? How do you get to "Fever"? The show's director, Rodrigo Zarate Cabello, begins telling a story, which actually imagined, since the six members of "The Fury, are fairly young.

"The company was first founded as we were finishing studying at drama school Mardones Fernando Gonzalez (Rodrigo emphasizes the third name to" some "no fence to think it is the player) there began to form all, one of the first assembly was called "The Fury of things." Then we "Damn Contradictions" and people began to ask who were giving this work and we had not thought of a name people responded: "The Fury of ..." However many people did the typical etymological analysis of "anger" and believes the company is furious and is angry with the "existence", but Rodriguez makes it clear that it is not, but performances that give the name do not care and are even welcome. Between "Cursed contradictions" and "Fever" many works have been through the eyes and the bodies of these actors. There is even a challenge seeking to end this year. This is the second part of the trilogy dedicated to writers suicide. On this occasion: an adaptation for the book "Putas Killer" by Roberto Bolaño. It is clear that plenty of creativity in this company, Hair account have never been seen in a vacuum or the need to create something, or say 'gosh and now what we do, in fact always are emerging issues, because some companies are going to have to spend months thinking about and conceptualising an idea, however we do not, in this case, we are a little frantic "Frantic? Absolutely, at least they are the characters they play each of the members of the company. "Fever" is a kind of place no tangent, but where one is able to observe so many situations and ways of behaving. And to hear so many words and different positions, it seems that we had been there thousands of times.
Valentina Vallejos

clarifies that "'Fever' is a theatrical research project where we play within a play, a goal representation where the central concept is to put a reality into another. First are one after another and then another are "Is the religion, school children," young adults "the old, the rich, the poor, the sane, the insane, the healthy and those with fever, such as says the work: "... not a disease, is an alarm ...", and "Fever or the problem of waiting" is also an alarm, a way of saying high! let me be, let me be, let me live as I want. It is a world view that demonstrates to us that at any time, anywhere, every minute, can be repeated thousands of identical scenes with the same content, the same prejudices, with the same end, and as they appear, disappear, as usual, as if he were the same. With some very impressive performances, Italo Leon, Valentina Vallejos, Barbara Jarpa, Ignacio Peláez, Javier Mora Gil, under the leadership of Rodrigo Zarate Cabello, energy overflow exciting, the kind that make you laugh and mourn instantly. Theatrical in his expressions, his dialogue in his movements. But downright earthy in his final term.

Fever or the problem of waiting
Where: Theatre
Espaciocal: Candelaria Goyenechea 3820, The Center Underground Castle, Vitacura.
Friday and Saturday Sunday 20hrs 21hrs

Until May 15: June 8

$ 5,000 $ 2,500 general
students, seniors and members SIDARTE.