Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Installing A Battery On A Popup Camper

Neighborhood Association Association fraud complaint

The Government of the CAM may incur fraud Sevillanovenses citizen interests. So what our AVSLN sortienen advisers: "You clean the lists of PP, the outgoing Mayor Tellez, the Presidency CAM may incur in bad faith and failure to prosecute criminal offenses."

Excmo.Sr. Regional government delegate in Canal YII: I thank

finally, after making us waste our time and money, the Director Gral.Consumo Ilma.Sra.Dña.Carmen Mrtnz.Sola-CAM-, on behalf of the Neighborhood Association Sevilla La Nueva (formed from the past 02/08/2007 of Defense Platform A. Potable supported in this municipality for more than 1,000 signatures from neighbors - electoral majority - during the chaotic implementation of the alleged illegal agreement signed Supply Management A. , to conceal the city, between the current Local Government and Canal YII), his statement (07/05/2007) inhibition in the case for the Secretariat Gral.Técnica, he says, his Excmo.Señor, he writes: As the Government agency that has expertise in this area. We already knew, by ourselves, from where we request RESOLUTION 29.01.2007 at Excmo.Sr.

regret, on behalf of the Association of Residents of Sevilla La Nueva, his Excmo.Señor unjustified delay and finished his electoral mandate without assuming, for 4 months, the responsibility of the Government Delegate on Channel already supposed (as we confirmed Ms Carmen) and begged in our letter of January, 2007: Dictate RESOLUTION disrupt the citizens' interests to mounted between the Local Government and the Canal YII, by the following facts:

• YII Channel is not Admin. Public : Contractor Company is a technical sales manager of City Hall (s / Agreement 03.29.2006). This Agreement commercial matters (04/21/2006 BOCM), assignment does not provide any personal information, except without the consent of citizens, much less that unbeknownst to the affected taxpayers to become a completely different service.

• Canal YII is Mercantile Company: This character is set (s/D2922/75) contractual relationships with its clients. Incl.D137/85 Article No. 14 states: "5. When the Canal de Isabel II manages the delivery service, make billing subscribers, debiéndose proceed prior to the execution of new contracts with Canal de Isabel II, in accordance with current legislation on the matter. "

regional Legislation (authorizes the Canal near-monopoly regional water manager) is ranked lower than the State Data Protection Law 15/99. That never will "rule with the force of law (which requires the Constitution) to establish and regulate the specific situations that data transfer may take place without the consent of those affected."

regional Legislation (Pre-EU legal burrow Channel for its abuse) range is less than the State Industry Act 21/92. This and post-EU Ministerial requires prior administrative authorization to publish the suso BOCM Convention, given the substantial (for the Canal YII) changes in the drinking water.

• Service These changes, cost for the city coffers and the public, include, for example:

1. Channel billed to subscribers in 4 º Bimestre.2006 services not performed. For ej.No read meters at 1 Julio.06

2. Channel 4 º Bimestre.2006 bill water from municipal wells cited by Ayto in on 1 Sem.06

3. Channel Bimonthly bill (without warning Accustomed to the Town Council paid its bills Semester) Semester may do according to their own regional regulation. And unlawfully penalized with prices that discourage fictitious supplies bimonthly actually consumed at City Hall in previous semesters.

4. The bill Canal Water Supply and Distribution Network municipal grossly unfair amounts, given that the water comes from local aquifers, the Web is the City Hall and corrective maintenance will be charged in full to the subscribers. I personally regret

also punishable the neglect / fraud permissiveness / a citizen interests, the / a Vice / President Regional government more concerned, in the last 4 months, re-election appearances, openings hasty or gruesome, etc. .. consider that minimum of diligence, or simply acknowledge receipt of our reports (all anonymous!). It is sad to recall that they are paying his salary to defend the interests of citizens, including those of Sevillanovenses until 27.May, and not necessarily seek re-election only!. It is

your Excmo.Señor ad for more clarification or details, carefully, PD

This writing, their background, are incorporated in the Record of Survey recently promoted by it (backed by over a thousand signatures of neighbors) to the Hon. Mr. OMBUDSMAN.